OPcache will cache .php
and .phtml
files within your Magento 2 application. Therefore you should add flushing OPcache to your deployment process.
Version Check¶
You can check the version of OPcache installed with the command:
~]# php -v | grep -i opcache
with Zend OPcache v7.2.19, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
Module Check¶
You can confirm the module has been loaded:
~]# php -m | grep -i opcache
Zend OPcache
Flush OPcache¶
Service Reload¶
You can flush OPcache with a reload of the PHP-FPM service, always run a configuration test before reloading
~]# php-fpm -t
[19-Aug-2019 08:48:54] NOTICE: configuration file /etc/php-fpm.conf test is successful
~]# systemctl reload php-fpm
PHP Function¶
You can also clear OPcache using the PHP function:
Stack OPcache settings¶
We use the following sed
to change the default settings of OPcache on our Magento 2 stacks:
sed -i 's/opcache.memory_consumption=128/opcache.memory_consumption=512/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8/opcache.interned_strings_buffer=12/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000/opcache.max_accelerated_files=60000/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/;opcache.save_comments=0/opcache.save_comments=1/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/;opcache.save_comments=1/opcache.save_comments=1/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/opcache.save_comments=0/opcache.save_comments=1/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/;opcache.load_comments=1/opcache.load_comments=1/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/;opcache.enable_file_override=0/opcache.enable_file_override=1/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
This changes the values to:
OPcache GUI¶
The OPcache GUI https://github.com/amnuts/opcache-gui is a very handy tool which allows you to flush cache, view the files in cache, memory statistics and lots more. You simply need to download the files to your document root:
~]# cd /var/www/vhosts/magentodomain.com/htdocs/pub/
~]# git clone https://github.com/amnuts/opcache-gui
~]# chown -R magentouser: opcache-gui
You can then browse www.magentodomain.com/opcache-gui
. We recommend password /IP redirection for this URI. We have guides on how to do this here