FastDesk Password Policy¶
To keep up to date with best practice authentication and password management policies, the FastDesk user password policy will adhere to the following conditions:
First time or temporarily reset passwords will be a randomly generated password that is 12 characters long and will contain a mixture of alphabetic and numeric characters. The user will then be required to change the password upon first logon.
Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters in length.
Passwords must contain at least 3 of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols and special characters e.g “!” “£”.
Passwords must not contain the name of the user or account.
Failure to meet this policy will see passwords fail to change or reset.
Users are still able to change their own passwords once logged in as normal. For more information on this, please visit this page Change FastDesk Password
UKFast strongly advises that users have passwords that are 8-12 characters long and contains at least 3 of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols and special characters e.g "!" "£"
Please note that passwords are set to expire after 42 days by default. It is acceptable for passwords to never expire if they meet the requirements set out in the policy. Subsequently, UKFast recommends that users should request for their password to never expire once they are happy that they have a strong password. This can be done by raising a ticket via the MyUKFast customer portal or by emailing
. Two-Factor Authentication
is also available as an extra security control. See 2FA page here for more information.
The policy and recommendations are in line with the guidance given by The National Cyber Security Centre.
If you have any queries or concerns about the above, please contact your account manager or the account management team on +44 161 637 9321.